Aya, consumer of 10, books are not quite 100! Video games merit some spirit as well! Race for 69 traders, and never forget to factor the six behind ya, lest the nine matter too much; still checkmate traders never forget to fuck ya right mate! Croikey! I always get 100, and I never lie about trading at the margin nonstop; you can't cut out 42 from the pizza of 1's and 0's because 101010 is 42 in binary! It's quite easy to sum it all up; that girl he's pointing to is the best! One cannot be without some bias, and thus everyone is born stupid; people are born to usher in more stupidity in their lives, for it enthralls a living audience of witless cells which coalesce to create your beautiful mind. Rammstein makes Amerika great again, because we're building a wall at our southern border. Are you ready? Are you really read? Well... ya fuckers! Lol! I literally lol'd at myself there, ya fuckers.